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Tzamal D-Chem Laboratories is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Tzamal Medical Group of companies, specializes in supplying fine chemicals for the Israeli market, of both lab and industrial scale quantities. Its extensive portfolio of products allows resolving and supplying most of industrial laboratory requirements in many fields of activity
- Pharmaceutical
- Chemical industries
- Microelectronics
- And more
The Company’s proven capabilities in supplying both small and large quantities cater for optimal solution for customers in all production cycle from R&D, through pilot scale to mass production. Tzamal D-Chem Laboratories Ltd. is the result of a merger, affected in 2011, between the Tzamal Medical Group and D-Chem Ltd. benefiting from a 20 years’ supply chain experience to customers in the Israeli market.
For further information visit our web site at www.d-chem.co.il